In this episode, OCCRL Director Eboni Zamani-Gallaher talks with Rita Ali and Jennifer Foster about implementing paths toward equity for underrepresented individuals in career and technical education and in the CTE workforce. Ali is the vice president of workforce and diversity at Illinois Central College, and Foster is the deputy executive director for the Illinois Community College Board.
In this episode, Nina Owolabi, a research assistant at OCCRL, talks with Heather Blicher about the many possibilities as well as the challenges of open educational resources for instructors and institutions. Blicher is a coordinator of librarian services for two campuses at Reynolds Community College in Richmond, Virginia.
In this episode, Heather McCambly and Lorenzo Baber talk about the intersections of racial justice, educational philanthropy, and the needs and roles of community colleges in the COVID-19 postsecondary landscape. McCambly is a doctoral candidate at Northwestern University who is studying the intersections of racial justice and educational philanthropy. Dr. Baber is an associate professor of higher education and the program chair of higher education at Loyola University.
In this episode, OCCRL Director Eboni Zamani-Gallaher talks with Dr. Ann Edwards about college readiness in math and about curricular alignment. They also discuss issues related to placement and developmental mathematics courses, guided pathways, math pathways, and student participation in STEM. Dr. Edwards is a senior research associate and the director of learning and teaching at West Ed.
In this episode, OCCRL Director Eboni Zamani-Gallaher talks with Dr. Heather Shotton about the multiple and nuanced ways that universities perpetuate settler colonial aims of eraser for Indigenous students. Dr. Shotton is an associate professor in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies and the director of the Indigenous Education Initiatives at the University of Oklahoma.
In this episode, Colvin Georges Jr., a research associate at OCCRL, talks with Dr. Nidia Ruedas-Gracia about what it means to have a sense of belonging and discusses her research in this area. They also discuss how a sense of belonging affects college students from historically minoritized racial groups.
In this episode, OCCRL research assistant Chequita Brown continues the conversation about foster care youth by talking with Patricia Palmer about accessing available resources in Illinois for youth-in-care who want to pursue a secondary education.
In this episode, OCCRL research assistant Chequita Brown talks with Maddy Day about the Fostering Success Michigan initiative and the impact of campus-based support programming on foster-care collegians' postsecondary access and retention. Day is a consultant for the Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative at the Annie E. Casey Foundation.
In this episode, Dr. Eboni Zamani-Gallaher, the director of OCCRL, talks with Dr. Paul Gorski about advancing racial equity work, as well as about diversity and inclusion efforts in education. Dr. Gorski is the founder of the Equity Literacy Institute and EdChange.
In this episode, Dr. Marci Rockey, a project coordinator at OCCRL, talks with Betsy Barefoot and John Gardner about their efforts to support higher education institutions in advancing equitable outcomes for students, especially as it relates to transfer.